Book review and Summary: Attitude Is Everything by Jeff Keller

Note: This book summary is based on my personal understanding and viewpoint.
This book is for all ages. This book stresses on, how a positive attitude can give you anything you desire.
“A positive attitude is a person s passport to a better tomorrow.” — Unknown
Part 1
Success Begins in the Mind
Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success. — Dr. Joyce Brothers
Your Attitude Is Your Window to the World.
Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. — George Bernard Shaw
There are two people. One person is having positive attitude, and the other person is having negative attitude. They give order in the same restaurant, the waiter takes around same time to deliver the order, they have food in the same place. The person having the positive attitude interacts well with the staff, feels rejuvenated for the day. The person with the negative attitude complains about the wait time before getting order, complains about the food which leads to a not-so-good feeling day.
Although the external factors are same, the way the people interpret the scenario is different based on their attitude.
Think of your attitude as the mental filter through which you experience the world. Some people see the world through the filter of optimism (the glass being half full) while others see life through a filter of pessimism (the glass being half empty).
You can’t always control circumstances. But you can control your own thoughts. — Charles Popplestone
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. — William Shakespeare
You’re a Human Magnet.
Whether you think you can — or think you can’t — you’re right! — Henry Ford
The key to success is: WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT.
If you constantly think about a particular goal, then you’ll take steps to move toward that goal.
There’s a power within each of us that propels us in the direction of our current dominant thoughts.
A little bit just doesn’t get the job done. Instead, you must take control of your mental activity and think positively throughout each and every day until it becomes a habit. Remember, it has to be your dominant thought pattern.
You can achieve your goal when you believe in yourself and keep your thoughts focused on the positive.
It’s true that you don’t get results without action, but recognize that thought precedes action.
Your results in every area of your life reflect your deeply held thoughts about yourself.
If your thoughts don’t change, your results won’t change.
To become positive, repetition is the key.
Every day, read some positive, uplifting literature.
Every day, listen to motivational cassette tapes.
Picture Your Way to Success!
You must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it. — Alex Morrison
Visualization is often described as “movies of the mind,” “inner pictures” or “images.” We all store pictures in our minds about the type of relationships we deserve, the degree of success we’ll attain at work, the extent of our leadership ability, the amount of money we’ll earn and accumulate, Take responsibility for your own movies. You — and only you — are in control of your own movies.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. — Albert Einstein
Based on how much you think you are worth, write a post-dated check To yourself.
Make a commitment… and you’ll move mountains!
What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it. — Alexander Graham Bell
Commitment is the essence of The Ultimate Secret. According to the author, the key to getting what you want is the “willingness to do whatever it takes” to accomplish your objective.
When you make a commitment and are willing to do whatever it takes, you begin to attract the people and circumstances necessary to accomplish your goal. When you have the willingness to do whatever it takes, the “right” steps are often suddenly revealed to you.
With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable. — Sir Thomas Buxton
Turn Your Problems into Opportunities
· Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. — Napoleon Hill
· A “problem” is often not a problem at all. It may actually be an opportunity.
· How Adversity Serves Us?
· Adversity gives us perspective
· Adversity teaches us to be grateful
· Adversity brings out our hidden potential.
· Adversity encourages us to make changes and take action.
· Adversity teaches us valuable lessons.
· Adversity opens a new door.
· Adversity builds confidence and self-esteem.
Repeat anything often enough and it will start to become you. — Tom Hopkins
Watch Your Words
Repeat anything often enough and it will start to become you. — Tom Hopkins
THOUGHTS ‘WORDS ‘BELIEFS ‘ACTIONS ‘RESULTS — world works in this order
Don’t underestimate the role of your WORDS in this process. It’s a simple matter of cause and effect.
Discuss your plans with people who are qualified to render an intelligent opinion on the subject. When we repeat certain phrases over and over, it’s as if a “groove” is formed in our brain. Use words that are consistent with the path you truly wish to be on, take action along those lines, and watch yourself begin to travel in that wonderful direction.
How Are You?
Your day goes the way the corners of your mouth turn. — Unknown
Use positive words like
“I’m on top of the world.”
“It doesn’t get any better.”
Say you are well, or all is well with you, and God shall hear your words and make them come true. — Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Respond With Enthusiasm always.
Stop Complaining!
Troubles, like babies, grow larger by nursing. — Lady Holland
It simply makes no sense to get upset about things over which you have no control — and which have no significant impact on your life.
The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles. — William Penn
We all are grateful for many things in life. Few are as simple as great family, friends, job, all the organs of the body. Focus on the blessings. No one likes complaining souls. The people who don’t complain very much (and those who speak positively) are a joy to be around.
Heaven Helps Those Who Act
Nothing happens by itself. It all will come your way once you understand that you have to make
it come your way, by your own exertions. — Ben Stein
Associate with Positive People
A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of
friends he chooses. — The Living Bible, Proverbs 27
“Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are”? There’s a lot of wisdom in that simple statement. Have you given much thought to how this principle has been molding and shaping your life?
Toxic people are the ones who always dwell on the negative. The dictionary defines toxic as “poisonous”. Nourishing people are positive and supportive. They lift your spirits and are a joy to be around. The dictionary defines nourishing is “to promote the growth of.”
We become part of what we are around. — Unknown
Your friends will stretch your vision… or choke your dreams. — Unknown
Evaluate your friendship. Choose your friends wisely. Cut the tie with negative friends.
Confront Your Fears and Grow
Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“If you want to be successful, you must be willing to be uncomfortable.”
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. — Marie Curie
Every person has a different fear threshold. What frightens one person to death might have little impact on someone else. Each of us has a comfort zone, a zone of behavior that is familiar to us and where we feel comfortable and safe. When you’re gripped by fear and anxiety, it’s usually because you’re stepping out of your comfort zone.
Write down your fears, what is holding you back and take action to overcome.
The only way to escape from the prison of fear is action. — Joe Tye
Don’t be one of those who lets his regrets take the place of his dreams.
Stretch yourself. Confront your fears and be willing to expand your comfort zone. The courage muscle can be developed just like any other muscle — with exercise. And when you do an activity outside your comfort zone a few times, that same activity becomes part of your comfort zone. It’s important that you put yourself in a position to win — and that means taking action despite fear.
Get Out There and Fail
Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again. — Henry Ford
As adults, most of us become a lot more concerned about the opinions of others, often hesitating because people may laugh at us or criticize us. It reality, that doesn’t matter. If you take your eyes off the goal and instead focus your attention on how others may be viewing you, you’re doing yourself a grave disservice.
Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. — Winston Churchill
The greatest mistake a person can make is to be afraid of making one. — Elbert Hubbard
Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It s quite simple. Double your rate of failure. — Thomas J. Watson
Take action, fail, learn, action, fail, learn, action iteratively and eventually you will succeed.
Those getting unsuccessful outcomes often do the same things over and over without making necessary adjustments. So, be “coachable.” Accept the fact that you don’t already know it all and find resources to keep you on track and moving forward.
Failure is essential for growth. Look failure squarely in the face and see it as a natural part of the success process.
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.” — Beverly Sills
Networking That Gets Results
You can get everything in life you want if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want. — Zig Ziglar
Networking is a way to leverage your own efforts and accelerate the pace at which you get results. After all, the more solid relationships you build, the greater your opportunities for success. While your success certainly starts with you, it grows to higher levels as a result of your associations and relationships with people. Simply put, you can’t succeed on a grand scale all by yourself.
To enhance the effectiveness of our network, there are 16 techniques organized them into
four separate, but related, categories.
Attitude and Action
· Project a winning attitude — If you’re positive and enthusiastic, people will want to spend time with you.
· Participate actively in groups and organizations — don’t only join, contribute actively to get attention
· Serve Others in your network — Going the extra mile for others is the best way to get the flow of good things coming back to you.
· Refer — If you refer someone, make sure that the person mentions your name as the source of the referral
· Be selective — Don’t refer every person you meet. Respect the time of those in your network
· Be a good listener — in your conversations, focus on drawing other people out. Let them talk about their careers and interests. In return, you’ll be perceived as caring, concerned and intelligent.
· Call people from time to time just because you care. — Every now and then, make it a point to call people in your network simply to ask how they’re doing and to offer your support and encouragement
· Take advantage of everyday opportunities to meet people. — You can make excellent contacts just about anywhere
· Treat every person as important — not just the “influential” ones — when speaking to someone at a meeting or party, give that person your undivided attention.
· At meetings and seminars, make it a point to meet different people — Don’t sit with the same group at every gathering. While it’s great to talk with friends for part of the meeting, you’ll reap greater benefits if you make the extra effort to meet new faces.
· Be willing to go beyond your comfort zone. — if you have the urge to introduce yourself to someone, DO IT!
· Ask for what you want. By helping others, you’ve now earned the right to request assistance yourself. Don’t be shy.
· Send a prompt note after meeting someone for the first time — Be sure to send the note within 48 hours after your initial meeting so that it’s received while you’re still fresh in your contact’s mind
· Acknowledge powerful presentations or articles — send a note to the speaker or writer and tell him or her how much you enjoyed and learned from their message.
· When you receive a referral or helpful written materials, ALWAYS send a thank you note or call to express your appreciation.- If you don’t acknowledge that person sufficiently, he or she will be much less likely to assist you in the future.
· Send congratulatory cards and letters — In important occasions, send cards and letter to make it even more important.
I enjoyed going through the book. This is one of the clearly written with action oriented uplifting, motivational book.