Bliss, Blessing and Brimming Beauty: A Tale of Organic Kitchen Garden on Terrace in Bangalore
Gardening teaches us to believe in miracle, a single tiny seed can become a plant and bear flowers, fruits. It gives us hope for a better tomorrow. We learn to admire the glory of sweat, hard work and lot of patience. Gardening is a basic skill which bestows contentment.
Amidst the hustle-bustle of city life, the terrace showers with abundance blessings just like temple. It offers us vegetables to savor. It drenches us with so much inner peace, this almost feels like taking a nap in grandma’s lap. The fluttering of birds’ ripple rhyme. The silky breeze ruffles hair and sometimes whispers, everything is exactly just the way, it is supposed to be. It offers experience which can only be felt, never can be adequately expressed.
The feeling of farm to fork is indescribable in words. The taste is superb pure wow awesome when we pluck the organically self-grown vegetables, cook, and serve ourselves. The so-called heaven is near to the kitchen garden. The solace one derives from the kitchen garden is prodigious. It is fresh, refreshing, stress buster, treat to eyes, healthy both physically and mentally.
1. Do a bit of research on the plants you would like to grow on terrace. Few plants are seasonal.
2. Plants can be grown from seeds, stems, small plant. Choose the right one based on availability and convenience. Take the healthy seeds, stems, plants to grow.
3. Choose the right size of container based on the plant to be grown. For instance, if it is fruit tree like papaya, this needs a relatively big container, if it is creeper like pumpkin, bottle gourd, beans or plants like brinjal, chilly, tomatoes then medium size of plant and for leafy vegetables (Amaranthus green, Malabar spinach, spinach, mint etc) small size of plant is recommended.
4. The pots, containers need not be new, expensive. Any container (old shoes, cardboard, even milk packet) can be used for growing plants. Think of re-utilization while growing plants.
5. Make holes in the container to excrete excess water.
6. Fill the pot with nutrient, fertilized soil.
7. Water the plants in right amount, based on season. During rainy season, we need not water for days all together whereas in summer, we might need to water twice a day. The point is: neither under water nor over water the plants.
8. Make sure the plants receive ample sunlight, especially at the morning time.
9. The pests need to be handled properly in organic manner, if needed apply neem cake, turmeric and similar ingredients to get rid of pests.
10. Remove the dry leaves and weeds in regular interval.
11. Prune the plants whenever needed.
12. Collect the herbs, the more you collect, the bushier it will grow.
13. Fertilize the soil with organic kitchen waste fertilizer.
14. Save the seed for next season.
15. Last but not least, love the plant like baby and the plant will love back with abundance.
Gardening rejuvenates the heart, mind, body and sometimes soul too. Without any second thought, just go for it and be assured, you will reinvent yourself.
Our Terrace Garden Sneak Peek:
Do take a sneak peek of our terrace garden and get soaked in bountiful of beauty.